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We love a good review!
Jo Bridge, Drama Curriculum Leader at Ormiston Park Academy said “In such a short time, students embraced new characters from an unknown...
We were mentioned in an Ofsted report!
“Pupils benefit from experiences that enrich the curriculum. For example, a drama workshop for Year 6 pupils run by a group from a local...
Location, location, location?!
Friday March 17 2017 Shoe leather is challenged as Peter Woodard and Bernadette Wakeling explore possible locations for the performances....
Thurrock 100 Tales
Friday March 3rd 2017 Research has begun in earnest on the tales to be selected from “Thurrock 100 Tales”. Which ones will make it?...
Village Green 2015
Saturday 11th July 2015 Did George Clooney ever get upstaged by three year olds? Probably not! T3G & The Wrinkly did a brilliant job of...
Deneholm Primary School
Wednesday 1st July 2015 What a fantastic day! Following the success of Saturday, Palmer's students took their work to the schools of...